In 2014 our owner, James Holloway, was recruited to teach the Professional Installation 101 course at the Custom Home Furnishings Academy in Roswell, GA. This was one of their numerous training programs that consisted of a week-long hands-on educational curriculum and was held 6-8 times per year. The course covered the basics of window treatment installation. Unfortunately, the Academy closed in 2016.
Fast-forward to 2020 and many manufacturers of “hard treatments” (i.e. blinds, shades, or shutters) have suspended or terminated their hands-on installation training programs and there are almost no training programs for “soft treatments” (i.e. draperies or curtains).
As a result, many window treatment dealers and interior designers are left wondering what to do. Not only do they need to be able to locate qualified installers in their markets, but they also need a way to provide education and training to individuals that have the desire to learn how to install window coverings even if they do not have a background in the industry.
Shadowing Program
We have found that the best way to learn is by doing. One of our business coaches even has a saying… “The mind can only absorb what the butt can endure.”
That’s a “cheeky” way of saying sitting in a classroom can be boring and it’s hard to retain information learned in that manner.
With our Shadowing Program, we allow installers from other areas to “ride shotgun” with us for a day (or a week) and accompany us on our installation projects. We get an extra pair of hands, and they get real-world exposure to the processes and techniques to complete a successful installation.
There are some financial and insurance requirements that must be met before we can let someone shadow us, so please contact us for more information about this program.
You can also hire James to speak at your next event.
James has been a guest speaker at the Charlotte, NC WCAA Chapter meeting and has a number of presentations in development for both the International Window Coverings Expo as well as the Custom Workroom Conference.